Room rates


The restaurant is currently closed.

Warning : on periods LA MARMOTTE and TOUR DE FRANCE, we reserve a minimum of 5 nights.

Middle season

Number of people ClassiqueSupérieureSuite
1-2€ 75€ 86€ 96
3€ 90€ 101€ 111
4€ 105€ 116€ 126
5€ 141

High season

Number of people ClassiqueSupérieureSuite
1-2 € 85€ 97€ 108
3 € 100€ 112€ 123
4 € 115€ 127€ 138
5 € 153

Tourist tax (per person / per night)


Please telephone us for quick and easy booking according to availability: +33 (0)4 76 80 00 16